




A large number of properties in the UK suffer from pigeon infestation. With pigeons carrying diseases and other pests such as ticks and bird mite, DALPEST are being called upon to rid more and more sites of our feathery foes.
For a long time, pigeons were used to carry messages and for used for entertainment purposes. This has led to them not being afraid of humans, and therefore nesting in and around our businesses and homes. Pigeons set up nests in safe areas with a stable food source nearby, they feed on exposed junk, seeds from bird feeders, pet food, berries and vegetable gardens.

Pigeons live in flocks and have few natural predators, so you’ll often find several nests in visible places. There are a few simple things you can do to help keep pigeons away:

  • Do not feed them- they will keep coming back and bring more and more friends.
  • Keep pet food out of sight and smell of pigeons.
  • Make sure all rubbish is properly sealed and placed in a bin with the lid closed.
  • Remove any standing water.
  • Net over garden fruit & veg.

Dangers of Pigeons

  • Diseases- Pigeons transmit a host of parasites and diseases through droppings and dust, which can enter buildings through air ducts. They can spread diseases such as E -Coli, Histoplasmosis and Psittacosis Cryptococcosis.
  • Droppings- They leave a large number of droppings all over your property. These are highly acidic and so can contribute to the deterioration of a structure, as well as staining surfaces.
  • Other Pests- Transmit a variety of vermin species such as ticks, bed bugs, lice, and bird mites.
  • Debris- Pigeons scatter nesting material across your property whilst also leaving a lot of feathers around. The mess builds up to clog gutters, eaves, and air vents, leading to water build-up.
  • Garden Nightmares- They don’t hesitate to damage and attack crops or plants in search for food.
  • Noise- All the ‘cooing’ and ‘flapping’ can be quite a nuisance.

How to keep them away:

  • Spike strips: Placed on prime Pigeon spots such as window sills, ledges, and roofs will deter them from landing.
  • Bird wire: Wire mesh or chicken wire form-fitted into small openings.
    Ideal for large establishments.
  • Sloping ledge covers:
    Pigeons cannot physically sit on sloped surfaces.
anti bird plastic spike for protecting building from pigeons

Alternative methods

  • Gel-repellents: As pigeons do not like sitting on sticky surfaces these repellents will not only last longer than homemade options but also gives off and deterring scent.
  • Strong spices: Pigeons do not like spices, such as cinnamon, chilli or black pepper. Make spice bags. This will not be a longterm solution but may help with on a small scale. Spread spices around general nesting areas.
  • Fake predators: A life-size plastic owl, snake or large black crow on your roof or patio can deter pigeons and other birds from landing. As these pests are not so scared of humans you may find more success with electronic predators that move.
  • Deterrent reflectors: Highly reflective materials creating chaotic light reflections. Versatility for placement and hanging options. Highly durable.

In all cases of pest control, DALPEST suggest a professional carry out works, as you must use the correct equipment and methods.

Does your property need vacating of pigeons? Call DALPEST today on 0845 22 37 115, and one of our expert technicians will be able to help solve your problems.

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