




In our world of pest control we come into contact with a lot of rodent activity. One of the most common problems that we deal with is calls to domestic properties experiencing issues with rats. The property owner or tenant can often be confused about how the rats are getting access or where they may be coming from.

This is where your drains can come into play.

Many rat problems originate from within the drainage system, and this can be an excellent point of entry to a property if the rat can get easy access. Pipes offer a great travel network for these pests.

Rats can cause large amounts of destruction to a property in a very short space of time. Additionally, they can be a concern to your health as they are known carriers of diseases such as Weil’s Disease, Salmonellosis and Lyme Disease.

The other consideration for property owners is that if rats are present within the drains for one property, it is likely they could also be affecting the neighbouring properties as well and the problem will only get worse over time for all concerned.

Rodents will leave clues that they have been in your drains (just as they would in your house), droppings and chewed pipes are just a couple of the key signs of pest activity. If you suspect you have an issue, then you should seek advice from your trusted pest controller as soon as possible.

Identifying the problem is usually the biggest challenge, but the DALPEST Pest Solutions have the answer for this. The team are fully equipped with a Scanprobe X40 drainage CCTV camera to allow us to view inside the pipes. This helps us to quickly and easily see where the problems are coming from, and to confirm that rats are in fact present.

The van plus the Scanprobe X40 ready for action!

The evidence the camera produces is clear enough to detect the problem and sometimes we get more than we bargain for and we can identify a bigger drainage issue that had previously gone unnoticed (more on this in a minute).

Sometimes the problem can be resolved with the implementation of a rat flap, a piece of equipment which prevents the rodents going back and forth within the drain. These should be fitted by a professional to ensure they are facing the correct direction, and also that they are positioned at the right point in the drain.

Other proofing methods can also be applied to affected pipes to prevent rodents from excessively chewing holes to gain access to the drains. DALPEST technicians will make recommendations to customers based on the evidence we find for the best solutions.

DALPEST Pest Solutions are also the sister company of DALROD, a drainage business with a long established history. The benefits of this are that we work closely together and this can be very useful for our customers. Occasionally, the drainage team are called to an issue by a customer and find out that it is a pest control problem, and sometimes it’s the other way around.

CCTV camera footage of a blockage within a drain.

We mentioned bigger drainage issues being discovered. The CCTV camera has the ability to see under the ground where we couldn’t normally see with the naked eye. Often rodents are causing problems because of an issue that will require drainage repairs to be made, and this would require the services of DALROD.

This is why working together as two companies is beneficial, our customers get the complete service they need!

To find out about the domestic and commercial pest control services offered by DALPEST Pest Solutions in Peterborough or Milton Keynes, or to talk to one of our knowledgeable team about any pest related issues, then please get in touch on 0333 2026 223. We are always more than happy to offer advice and come and see the problem for ourselves!

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