




DALPEST Car at a school

Schools are very busy places and that can mean that pest problems can occur.

It is important for school facilities to have regular pest management contracts in place to help protect the Health & Safety of the staff and students throughout the school year.

Unwanted pests can be destructive to buildings and grounds, but more importantly, they also have the potential to spread diseases if left untreated. This is why having a form of prevention in place is key.

Having a contract in place with a local, trusted pest controller can help to ensure a healthier environment for all concerned. If you are looking for pest control, or your school doesn’t have any pest control in place currently, then engaging with a company like DALPEST Pest Solutions is the answer. Our team can visit your site, inspect the external and internal space so we can advise you what measures are needed to keep your school compliant and pest free!

Is your school prepared?

With the big summer holiday fast approaching, have you considered the pest control requirements for your school?

Although pest control is a year round service the busiest time for pests tends to be around the summer months, because flying insects are around, and they can cause issues for schools at specific times of the year.

The most common pests that we see in education facilities are

  • Ants – more common in the summer months.
  • Flies – also more of a pest during the warmer seasons, particularly around food preparation areas.
  • Wasps and this includes nests – later summer or during very warm spells. They can be an aggressive pest so require dealing with quickly.
  • Mice – a year round potential pest with the ability to get inside through the smallest gaps!
  • Rats – most commonly found around or near good sources of food, school kitchens and playgrounds are attractive to rodents.
  • Cockroaches – can be found in food areas.
  • Pigeons – an external pest but their droppings can be dangerous if they start to roost and nest in the grounds.

Many of these pests can be kept at bay with pest management techniques implemented by professionals, such as

  • Proofing of buildings if there are potential access points for pests.
  • Placement and monitoring of secure external trap boxes.
  • Installation and monitoring fly killers within kitchens and food preparation areas.
  • Internal trap boxes if required.

All these items require regular checks and the correct maintenance to ensure they are kept in excellent working order and continue to be effective at keeping pests away.

Having a pest control contract in place with DALPEST means that you can expect our technicians to be on site approximately every 6 weeks as a standard. However, we can work around your needs and arrange quarterly visits if this suits your requirements better, this is something we can discuss with you in detail. Our team will also make sure that checks and visits are discreet and arranged at a time when the school is at it’s quietest. This will usually be around the holidays.

You can also be rest assured that our pest control team are fully DBS certified, and RSPH Level 2 qualified in Pest Management. Plus, we are  members of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association) so you can rely on the quality of our services.

Emergency call outs

Occasionally a pest emergency can occur, the discovery of a wasp nest for example will require immediate action. Situations with stinging insects can escalate quickly and we can be on hand to help with a rapid response.

So, if you would like to discuss any current pest control you have in place that require a review, or if you would like to set up a new pest management contract then please get in touch with us. We will be happy to help and offer any advice you may need.

You can reach us easily by calling a member of the team on 0333 2026 223. We would love to hear from you.

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